Be more responsive to changes

The tools in GeoRoute help you to increase your operations’ flexibility, while maintaining the operational stability that you need to remain efficient.

React sooner with better workforce planning

With GeoRoute, you always know – today and for the future – the impact of the forecasted and actual volumes on your operations. Identify problems early and react quickly and efficiently to assure the success of your future operations.

Determine the impact of delivered or collected items on scenarios of past weeks

See the impact of forecast volumes on scenarios in effect for the coming weeks

Change the scenario in effect on the day of operation or for a future date


Use the dashboard view to identify required actions at a glance

See the impact of daily workloads by automatically evaluating your operative scenarios

Identify problems early, considering your most important KPIs 

Plan required actions to improve your efficiency, while minimizing the disruption in your operations


Use the detailed route list view to analyze your daily routes utilization. 

See the impact of the daily workloads on your operative routes

Quickly analyze problematic routes 

Identify candidates to balance your routes


Manually or automatically balance and optimize your routes to account for volume fluctuations.

Improve your drivers’ satisfaction by reducing extra hours 

Make changes manually in GeoRoute Operations

Benefit from GeoRoute algorithms to automatically balance routes

Communicate with your organization’s systems

GeoRoutes webservice architecture is designed to respond quickly to any events/requests and provide all required results directly to your productive systems. 

Automatically update your data and benefit from all available information from the operative processes


Provide your committed changes directly to your productive systems

Provide loading and navigation instructions to your couriers and transfer the estimated arrival times to your customers


We are very satisfied with the operational savings achieved by the introduction of dynamic routing with GeoRoute.

Luc Demierre, Solution Designer
Post CH AG

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